SAP Print Templates in Adobe Forms Technology

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Adobe Forms is a solution available from SAP that allows you to combine the definition of a document’s appearance with data available in the program to create documents with the expected form and information content.

Cyfrowa archiwizacja w SAP pozwala szybko zlokalizować potrzebne dokumenty

SAP Adobe Forms replaces older print technologies: SAPscript and Smart Forms, which will remain available but will not be in further supported. No additional licenses are needed to use Adobe Forms technology to create printouts. An additional license is needed only to create interactive forms.

The advantage of Adobe Forms technology is the ease of generating files in Adobe PDF format. The PDF format is widely used and allows full reproduction of paper printouts. This makes it easy to switch from existing paper printouts to electronic versions. This reduces costs and automates the processes involved in creating, delivering and archiving documents.

The print template can be static or dynamic. In static option, the arrangement of tables, values and graphic elements is always the same. An example of such a template is a TAX return form. A printout with dynamic content depends on the data contained in the system and will change depending on the amount of information to be printed as well as its content. An example is a sales invoice, the printout of which will change depending on the number of items to be printed. The appearance of the printout can also be affected by arrangements with the contractor.

In addition to text and data, the template can contain graphic elements such as company logos, bar codes, facsimile signatures.

Adobe Forms is the latest SAP technology for creating and generating printouts. Having forms in this technology, we are already halfway to Adobe interactive forms. The outlay for the development of Adobe Forms will shorten the development of interactive forms (when that is desired in the future). Investment in this technology is promising

Creating prints using Adobe Forms technology requires knowledge of the technology and knowledge of programming languages.

We have experience both in creating static and dynamic printouts. We have also developed a proprietary solution that allows the user to independently influence the content of the printout. Using it, the user can set conditions when a given piece of information is to be placed on the printout, calculate values and change the content on the printout. The solution does not require knowledge of Adobe Forms technology and can be used after a short training session.

SAP form

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Document management

Numerous documents are an integral part of every business process. Therefore, document management is an important area of running a company. We offer professional solutions for medium and large enterprises based on advanced SAP technologies.

Archiving and repository management

The law imposes an obligation on every company to archive documents that are created in the course of business activity. Storing and making documents available in paper form is inefficient as it requires a very high amount of time and work.

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Print out management

The SAP system offers components that optimize print management. Implementation of this functionality ensures preparation for every type and form of correspondence. 

Smart PrintOut Tool (SPOT)

We have also developed a proprietary solution that allows the users to influence the content of the printout on their own.

Consilios IT was established in 2011. Our services are primarily focused on consulting and programming in SAP. Since the beginning of the company's existence, we have specialized in implementing the following SAP modules: RE-FX (Flexible Real Estate Management), FI (accounting), document management, closed-end investment fund management.


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